Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Embarrassed by your moobs?

As we're surrounded by images in mens' health magazines, on the internet, and pretty much everywhere we look, it's difficult to get away form society's idea of the 'perfect male body'.

Women aren't the only ones comparing their bodies to what they see in the media you know!

As a man, you're expected to laugh off any unfavourable comparisons, but that doesn't mean that you're not worried and embarrassed, deep down inside.

Man boobs, moobs, male breasts - whatever you want to call them, they're embarrassing and can be difficult to get rid of, right?

Wrong, there IS a solution.

You could, of course, have surgery – but there is a cost to that in time, discomfort and money. What you may not know is that you can remove man-boobs without surgery and go right back to work without anyone being the wiser – except they’ll think you’ve lost a few pounds and may have been working out.

The answer is Vaser Lipo – this non-invasive technique:

• Reduces the fat content – permanently,
• Tightens the skin,
• Is relatively painless,
• Has minimal recovery time (hours, rather than weeks)
• And costs less than half as much as the surgical procedure.

Getting rid of your man boobs will:

• Increase your self-esteem
• Boost your confidence
• Allow you to wear the clothes that you want
• Give you that smart, professional image that matches your performance

If you're embarrassed by your moobs, why not come in for a free consultation - what have you got to lose, apart from those embarrassing moobs?

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