Women aren't the only ones comparing their bodies to what they see in the media you know!
As a man, you're expected to laugh off any unfavourable comparisons, but that doesn't mean that you're not worried and embarrassed, deep down inside.
Man boobs, moobs, male breasts - whatever you want to call them, they're embarrassing and can be difficult to get rid of, right?
Wrong, there IS a solution.
You could, of course, have surgery – but there is a cost to that in time, discomfort and money. What you may not know is that you can remove man-boobs without surgery and go right back to work without anyone being the wiser – except they’ll think you’ve lost a few pounds and may have been working out.
The answer is Vaser Lipo – this non-invasive technique:
• Reduces the fat content – permanently,
• Tightens the skin,
• Is relatively painless,
• Has minimal recovery time (hours, rather than weeks)
• And costs less than half as much as the surgical procedure.
• Increase your self-esteem
• Boost your confidence
• Allow you to wear the clothes that you want
• Give you that smart, professional image that matches your performance
If you're embarrassed by your moobs, why not come in for a free consultation - what have you got to lose, apart from those embarrassing moobs?