Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Lose 2 dress sizes in 6 months with Vaser Lipo!

Before Vaser Lipo
After Vaser Lipo
With 2010 drawing to an end, and 2011 just around the corner, it is that time of year when we start to think about making those dreaded New Year’s resolutions. Many women, and men, start the New Year with the resolution to try and lose weight and tone up, but no matter how hard they try, for some it is just the beginning of an endless and disappointing struggle. But, as one of many of Riverbanks’ satisfied patients shows, the answer to combating the flab is VASER Lipo.

Stella, a 24 year old civil servant from Buckinghamshire, is one of the latest Riverbanks’ successful case studies. Stella came to  Riverbanks to have VASER Lipo 6 months ago, after struggling to lose weight and tone the tummy, hips and thigh area. Like many women, Stella was unhappy with her pear-shaped body, and decided that VASER Lipo was the right solution to help get a slimmer shape.

Just 6 months on, Stella has contacted Riverbanks to say that she has since lost a whopping 2 dress sizes, and that her new clothes are still failing off her. Not expecting to lose this much weight, especially so quickly, needless to say Stella is chuffed with her new figure, just in time for the party season.

You too could get a healthier and sleeker body shape with the help of VASER Lipo. Used by well-respected surgeons all over the world, VASER Lipo uses ultrasound energy to dissolve fatty cells, allowing for a more gentle suction and accurate sculpting techniques.

So, make 2011 the year you achieve your dream body with the help of VASER Lipo, and be a part of your very own success story. Tackling those hard to slim and tone areas of the body, from double chins to lumpy legs, this advanced liposuction technique can reshape your body –and your life.
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Friday, 1 October 2010

Make acne scars a thing of the past with SmartXide Dot 2

Most of us know what it’s like to suffer from Acne scars, they ruin your teenage years at the time, only to follow you into adult hood as scars!

Looking in the mirror everyday and ploughing foundation on, then lathering the powder to try and cover them up, only resulting in walking around looking like a pot-holed umpalumpa! It seems that there is just no way of escaping them!

Well, in that case you’re wrong, as there is a way to banish those ugly scars for good! Leaving you with a newly perfect, pot-hole free face, which then needs a considerably less amount of make-up, leaving you being the natural beauty you always dreamt of being! Ahh, bliss!

Well if that sounds like the thing for you, then SmartXide Dot 2 is just the thing for you. With the procedure consisting of having your face numbed , then treated with the laser a few times, the pain is almost completely minimal and the procedure lasts less than half an hour itself!

You may be a little red for a while, but it’s all worth it in the end when you can run your fingers down your cheeks without being reminded of your acne scars.

So, trot yourself down to your nearest clinic for the procedure of a lifetime! After a few weeks the name calling of ‘pizza face’ and the likes will be dead and buried and you’ll be able to leave everyone awestruck of your flawless facade!

See the video below to find out more, then get in touch!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Dermal fillers & Azzalure take years off your face - and we'll take 10% off!

SAVE 10% on Tuesday 28th Sept

We have some limited availability with Dr Jonquille Chantrey on Tuesday 28th September between 12-8pm for all injectable and TCA Peel treatments.

Whats more, we will even knock 10% off our super Injectable complete solution package detailed below.

Injectable Complete Solutions

Quite often, by combining dermal fillers to restore lost volume and Azzalure (Botulinum Toxin) injections to lift and reduce wrinkles, you can take more years off your face when compared to just using fillers or Azzalure.

As facial artists it allows our doctors to really optimise your treatments and give you the best possible outcome as well.

So from now on, when you have Botulinum Toxin (Azzalure) treatments and dermal fillers (Restylane, Juvederm Ultra or Radiesse) at the same appointment, we will knock £100 off our usual price!

Before After 6 sessions


Have Azzalure & Fillers on the same day - SAVE £100

1 Area Btx + Restylane £550 £450
2 Areas Btx + Restylane £630 £530
3 Areas Btx + Perlane  £710 £610
1 Area Btx + Cheek Enhancements  £800 £700

On Tuesday 28th September with Dr Jonquille Chantrey only, we will knock a further 10% off the above prices.
(Limited availability)

to avoid disappointment
Call our friendly team now on

01582 762 877

and book your consultation Dr Chantrey
make an enquiry here

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Aren't you just doing Vaser Lipo Training for the money?

Vaser lipo training in Poland
It's a valid question, and one we feel we can answer honestly - No.

Dr Ravi Jain is an approved Vaser trainer, and the only centre in the UK & Europe to run DVD, Online Training as well as hands on Vaser experience at Riverbanks Clinic.

Training surgeons and doctors of all levels, all training is 1-2-1 with Dr Jain. And as he says:

We don't do this to profit. We do this to make sure that Vaser is used properly, and surgeons are trained properly. It's for the benefit of the patients.

Our Vaser training is becoming more and more popular with doctors and surgeons in the UK and Europe - if you would like to find out more about making things better for the patients by taking up some training, contact us now.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Vaser Liposelection Training - testimonials from delegates

Vaser Liposelection is a procedure that reduces the fatty deposits that patients find hard to shift with dieting and exercise.

Dr Ravi Jain has been at the leading edge of this procedure in the UK and due to his excellent results and experience, Sound Surgical Technologies appointed him as a fully certified trainer for all of Europe.

To find out more about Vaser Liposelection Training, visit our main website.

To see what our delegates have had to say, read on!

"It was great to have had you here. The VASER was good too and you made the training feel like a meeting of old friends. It was an honour to have you here. Your expert and profesional approach to aesthetic surgery made us feel that the VASER is the only solution for lipolysis. It was also personally comforting to be able to relate to someone who also understands the relentless hours spent to fulfill a dream."

Dr Henryk Mekle, Katowice, Poland

"I thought I should drop a line to say thanks for the great day I had last week. I learnt a lot from you (not just about VASER) and I truly appreciate you going out of your way to answer questions and give advice."

Dr PM, Gwent

"The whole experience of Vaser training at Riverbanks was great as you have great premises. Ravi spent a lot of time going through the basics and made sure every small detail was covered including how to perform a consultation and follow-up. He was very supportive so that helped to calm down any nervousness one may have on the day of training and he also provided regular guidance even after the training whilst I gained more experience. So overall a terrific experience and highly recommended. Excellent, comprehensive, I would strongly recommend the course to anyone interested in learning the skills of vaserlipo."

Dr Puneet Gupta, The Private Clinic

For more details on Vaser Lipo training, please call 01582 762877 or contact Mrs Banu Roe.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Getting rid of cellulite and more with Riverbanks Clinic

Everyone gets it and no-one likes it, but if your cellulite is making your life hell, we can help. Maybe it's your saddlebags that are making your life a misery and spoiling your look, or you find yourself wearing trousers all the time because wearing skirts makes your thighs rub together? Or it could just be threadveins on your legs that you're unhappy about.

Well, whatever your issue - we'd love to chat to you!

You could consider the following treatments:

Don't suffer - give us a call now on 01582 762877!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Hand treatments at Riverbanks Clinic

Much has been made in the press recently about stars and celebrities that look younger than they are, until you get to their hands.

Hands can give away a woman's age like no other part of the body - you can't hide them beneath makeup and they're always on show. And no-one want to wear gloves 24/7!

Riverbanks Clinic can help with wrinkled looking hands, in a few ways:

  • Sculptra - with Sculptra you would need to have 3 sessions, and the results would show within 6 months. The treatment lasts 2-3 years.
  • Radiesse - our miracle wrinkly hand treatment! ONE session. INSTANT results! Lasts about 1 year.
  • SmartXide - more for pigmentation than wrinkles, you can find out more about this on our main website.
So don't suffer wrinkly hands - the rest of you looks fab, give your hands a treat too!
And don't forget to

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Stomach & Tummy treatments at Riverbanks Clinic

It's Summer, a traditional time to be baring our tummies, but let's face it, if your stomach doesn't look as good as you'd like it to, you're not likely to want to get it out, now are you?

Common stomach problems are:

If you have a problem with your tummy area, and want it fixed fast, then why not find out more by clicking the links above, and then get in touch with Dr Ravi Jain?

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Breast enhancements and treatments from Riverbanks Clinic

At Riverbanks Clinic we believe that it is critical our clients are comfortable in their skin, and that includes, naturally, the bosom area.

For breast enhancement and enlargement, Dr Jain wholeheartedly recommends Macrolane - performed by the best, Jonquille Chantrey.

Macrolane is the first ever body shaping treatment to harness the benefits of hyaluronic acid to naturally add volume and help you regain your womanly contours. It mimics the benefits of breast surgery but is completely non-invasive, meaning no pain, no scarring and no need for a general anaesthetic or overnight hospital stay.

Benefits of Macrolane breast enhancement:

  • No Surgery – No Scars
  • Takes Only 30-45 minute – Walk In/Walk Out
  • Requires Only a Local Anaesthetic – Low Risk
  • Minimal Recovery Time – Little or No Bruising
  • Biodegradable Substance - Further Minimising Risk
  • Rapid Results – Buy a New Bra on the Way Home
  • Natural Look – Natural Feel
If you would like to receive further information about Macrolane including our prices, please fill out the form here and we will send details over to you.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Neck and jowl treatments from Riverbanks Clinic

There are a lot of people out there suffering from neck and jowl issues, who spend a lot of money on face creams but ignore this vital part of the body. Nothing says 'aging' like saggy jowls or a wrinkly neck!

Thanks to recent technological advances, here at Riverbanks, Dr Ravi Jain is now happy to offer you non-surgical treatment options which can help improve the appearance of necks and jowls.

For sagging jowls, take a look at:

All of these can help tighten and firm up the skin, improve jaw smoothness and reduce saginess of jowls.

For neck bands and wrinkles, consider:

Both will help with neck bands and wrinkles and leave you with younger looking, rejuvenated skin.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Lip enhancements from Riverbanks Clinic

As we get older, or succumb to the effects of hormonal changes, sun damage, smoking, weight loss and even dehydration, lines and wrinkles begin to form around our mouth. It can be hard to disguise these lines since make-up will in fact ‘leak’ into the crevices for an accentuated, aging effect.

Smoking makes this worse as it causes free radicals, which damage the skin in this area.

We can improve the outline, shape and size of your lips, and help to smooth out lip creases with the following treatments:

Want to have beautiful lips this summer? Contact us now to find out more!

Friday, 2 July 2010

Nose mouth and chin treatments from Riverbanks Clinic

This is the part of the face most affected by smoking as smoking causes free radicals which weaken the skin.

But it's not just smokers who suffer around the nose, mouth and chin - as we age, and our cheeks lose their support infrastructure, peripheral lines become more pronounced.
So, for lines around the mouth, look at:

For nose to mouth lines, consider:

For chin creases think about:

To discuss your options and find out more, contact us now for a no obligation chat - you don't have to put up with those lines anymore!

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Treatments for the cheeks from Riverbanks Clinic

It's natural to lose facial volume as we age, whether it's due to fluctuations in our weight, exposure to stress and even facial wrinkles. But sometimes it's just a sign of aging, and one that you can avoid!

Sagging, lined cheeks can give the effect of dragging the overall facial expression downward, creating a melancholy effect which can be very aging.

Cheek Lines and Wrinkles and Facial Sagging

Whatever your age or disposition, we can help you restore and rejuvenate your mid-face appearance using dermal fillers such as Restylane SubQ or Radiesse. Treatment lasts for up to a year and results are subtle and completely natural-looking.

Alternatively, Sculptra provides a valuable support structure within the actual skin itself, to help create the effects of a face-lift without any need for surgery. These noticeable, highly effective results can last for as long as 3 years, and are given as a course of treatments, each 4 – 6 weeks apart. Most people need 3 treatments.
You don't have to put up with droopy cheeks and lines and wrinkles - contact us now and have a chat through your options!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Treatment for the eyes and eyebrows from Riverbanks Clinic

Continuing our series of blogs on Top to Toe treatments, today it's the turn of the eyes and eyebrows.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul - well we're not sure about that but we do know that if your eyes look bright and clear, you look younger, happier and more carefree than when they're downturned, droopy and wrinkled!

So here are some eye treatments you may want to consider if you don't quite feel your best!

Crows Feet

Sometimes called laughter lines, let's be honest, there's nothing that funny about them!


Tear Troughs

The natural ageing process means that we all eventually develop tear troughs in the grooves below our eyes. However, sometimes we develop these grooves prematurely. This can often be a genetic factor.

Take a look at:

Frown Lines

There are two types of ‘frown’ lines commonly present between the eyebrows: those that only appear with expression (dynamic), and those that are present all the time (static).

For dynamic frown lines think about:

For static frown lines you'll need:

Eyebrow Lifts

Gone are the days when you needed surgery to lift your eyebrows for a fresher, more alert look. These days, both botox and dermal fillers such as Restylane or JuvĂ©derm®Ultra can be used, with highly effective results.

For more info on eyebrow lifts see our eyebrow lifts page on our main website.

Want to find out more about eye treatments at Riverbanks Clinic? Contact us now and we'd love to answer your questions!
photo credit just keep drawing

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Treatments for the forehead from Riverbanks Clinic

Summer is here, but it's still not too late to be looking fab!

Whatever you're looking to improve about your body, it's more than likely we can help you - and you'll still have time to parade on the beach or by the pool!

Head to toe, our treatments will make you feel a million dollars!

In this, the first of a series of blogs, we'll concentrate on the forehead - often the first place to show signs of aging.

Treatments for the Forehead

If you're bothered by forehead wrinkles, frownlines and permanent creases, then why not take a look at:

If it's uneven pigmentation that's a worry then:

And if acne scars are a bother then take a look at:

Acne itself can be helped by:

Whatever your forehead problems, we have a treatment for you, and will soon have you looking and feeling like a million dollars! To find out more, get in touch!


img credit: y2.d40

Friday, 28 May 2010

Ditch your droopy eyes with new ‘Madonna Lift’

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but thousands of women dread looking in the mirror and hide their face behind long hair because they are embarrassed by their droopy eyelids. But thanks to award-winning cosmetic clinic Riverbanks, you can now wave goodbye to saggy eye syndrome without having to opt for a surgical eye-lift by choosing to have the ‘Madonna Lift’ instead.

Riverbanks Clinic in Bedfordshire is the first in the country to be offering the ‘Madonna Lift’, a revolutionary new treatment designed to tackle droopy eyelids without the need for needles or surgery.

The treatment uses SmartXide DOT Fractional C02 Laser to stimulate collagen growth around the eyes, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lift up the eyebrows, giving the appearance that the eye is more open.

The treatment takes a matter of minutes and there is virtually no downtime. Most patients need to have 3-5 sessions to see noticeable results. The treatment costs £500 per session and can last for 2-3 years when combined with a good skincare routine.

Dr Ravi Jain, Medical Director of Riverbanks Clinic believes that the treatment could revolutionise the way patients manage their anti-ageing care and could help reduce the frequency of ‘emotionally fuelled’ visits to their cosmetic practitioner for premature top up treatments.

“The eyes are the one thing that people focus on when interacting with someone and it is also one of the first things we notice when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Droopy eyelids can have a huge impact on a person’s confidence and they are often driven to have other treatments such as Botox and fillers to try and improve the area around the eyes, but it never really tackles the problem. The ‘Madonna Lift’ gets right to the root of the problem and literally opens up the eye area, giving an instantly younger and smoother result,” says Dr Jain.

Dr Jain believes the Madonna Lift may become as popular a treatment for the out of town clinic as the revolutionary fat-reduction procedure Vaser. Dr Jain is vastly experienced in Vaser and teaches doctors and surgeons all over Europe in the technique. The clinic also offers maintenance treatments such as Botox, fillers and skin peels.


Notes to Editor
The multi award-winning Riverbanks Clinic is one of the UK’s leading clinics for non-surgical cosmetic and dermatological treatments. The prestigious Riverbanks Clinic helps men and women to turn back the clock, with the help of the very latest safe, non-surgical, highly effective anti-aging skin treatments. The clinic also specialises in treating skin problems such as acne and Roseaca. The most popular treatments offered by Riverbanks Clinic include Vaser Lipo, Botox, Dermal Fillers, Sculptra, Smartlipo, Smartxide DOT Laser and Accent Radiofrequency.

For more information visit www.riverbanksclinic.co.uk

Dr Ravi Jain is available for press interviews, articles and features. For further details, hi-res images or to arrange an interview with Dr Jain, please contact Amy Larman on 01603 477 949 or email press@riverbanksclinic.co.uk

Friday, 14 May 2010

Why should your Dermaroller Practitioner be trained and authorised?

Dermaroller Therapy is a procedure which can give you younger, fresher, healthier looking skin. The procedure itself uses hundreds of micro needles to encourage growth of the dermis. It's these needles that cause the skin to regenerate, thus resulting in fresh skin. This procedure is something that must be carried out by a professional expert that's trained.

If your Dermaroller Therapy is carried out by anyone that's not trained or authorised you could cause serious harm to your skin. The procedure may look simple and you might even be tempted to carry it out at home. However, there is a very specific technique which is required. There's a great deal of science behind Dermaroller Therapy so you need to know how to use it properly.

So, if you're thinking of having Dermaroller Therapy have you thought about where you'll have it done? Are the practitioners at your nearest clinic trained and authorised to use the device and procedure? These are very important questions which you must answer before initiating any medical treatment.

How the treatment works

The results of smoother, brighter, healthier younger looking skin are achieved by encouraging the dermis to regenerate cells. The Dermaroller head will create approx 300 micro medical needle channels per cm² into the dermis of the skin. The needles are specifically targeted to reach the nerve cells and other areas which are responsible for new skin growth.

Effective treatment will involve pin point bleeding and there will be slight swelling across the area being treated. A local anaesthetic will be used to create a numbing effect so the procedure is a pleasant experience. In most cases the procedure is repeated 3 times over a 6 week period.

Training is thorough

For practitioners to be able to carry out the therapy they are required to attend thorough training. There is a lot of science regarding the skin and how cells are produced. The practitioner will need a comprehensive understanding of how the treatment works and the correct technique to use in order to achieve the most effective results.

The Dermaroller procedure can even be used on delicate areas around the mouth, the eyes and even on the eye lids. This is something that requires great skill along with experience. Practitioners are highly trained to carry out the procedure and will also be able to offer you advice if you're unsure whether the treatment is right for you.

Do you want beautiful results?

Ultimately, the reason you want the treatment is to achieve healthy, fresh, younger looking skin. However, these results will only be achievable if a trained and authorised practitioner is administering the treatment. It might be tempting to use someone cheaper or even try it at home. But, do you really want to risk it?

A trained and authorised practitioner will know how to give you the healthy skin you're after. They can also let you know if the treatment isn't suitable for you. This is advice that you want to listen to and understand.

If you would like to find out more about Dermaroller micro-needling, contact us at Riverbanks Cinic on 01582 762877

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Vaser lipo review - testimonial from a happy patient!

"For as long as I can remember my body has been pear shaped and very out of proportion with my small waist.

After doing some research on liposuction i came across vaser liposuction and it really sounded ideal.

I went on a hunt looking for a good doctor and after meeting with 3 doctors, from the moment I walked in to the Riverbanks Clinic I knew I would be well looked after.

Dr Jain was very realistic and put my mind at ease with the procedure.

I went ahead and had vaser done on both my thighs and flanks. There was literally no pain at all during the procedure and if I had to describe it, the word I would use is it was weird! It felt as though someone was building something under my skin but it really was not painful in any way.

The results were immediate and I was absolutely over the moon. I remember walking in to Dr Jains office and saying I literally want the sides of my body taken off to give myself a nice smooth shape, not so pear like - this is exactly what Dr Jain did for me and the results surpassed my expectations by a million.

All my clothes are looking incredible on, I no longer have the dreaded 'muffin top' and I feel absolutely wonderful.

I could never have achieved these results without the help of Dr Jain - no gymming or dieting would have given me what I have now. I feel even more motivated now to keep my shape and have been gyming very hard.

I am now around 2 months post vaser and the results just keep getting better. The scarring is minimal and my cellulite has reduced. I no longer have 'love handles' and I no longer have big thighs. I would like to thank Dr Jain and his team for really making a dream of mine come true. The only thing I think I think I did wrong, was not doing more areas!"

To find out more about Vaser lipo, contact Doctor Jain now!

Monday, 29 March 2010

Juvederm? In Hertfordshire or Bedfordshire?

If you live in Hertfordshire or Bedfordshire, and are looking for the benefits afforded by Juvederm, then you've come to the right place!

JuvĂ©derm® ULTRA is an advanced, cohesive, 3D hyaluronic acid matrix dermal filler with local anaesthetic, manufactured by Allergan; the makers of Botox. It was launched in the UK in February 2008.

No allergy test is needed and the hyaluronic acid is completely broken down within the skin over a period of months, eventually leaving no trace of the filler.

JuvĂ©derm® ULTRA contains non-animal hyaluronic acid and lidocaine, a local anaesthetic that provides increased comfort both during and after treatment. There are three different formulations for JuvĂ©derm® ULTRA available which include:

JuvĂ©derm® ULTRA 2

A highly cross-linked formulation for the subtle correction of medium facial lines and skin depressions. Also enhances lip contour.

JuvĂ©derm® ULTRA 3

As above, but more versatile in contouring and volumising medium to deep facial lines and skin depressions, such as nasolabial folds. Also enhances lip contour and volume.

JuvĂ©derm® ULTRA 4

A highly cross-linked robust formulation for volumising and correction of deeper folds and wrinkles, including enhancing volume in the cheeks and chin. Not recommended for the areas under the eyes.

JuvĂ©derm® has enhanced stability and resistance to degradation by heat and the body’s metabolism, with FDA approval in the USA to ‘correct moderate to severe wrinkles and folds for up to one year’.

Call 0800 0 325415 for further information or to book an appointment.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

9 Signs of Sun-Induced Skin Damage

The sun is a major factor in the health of your skin. Even natural daylight causes damage to your skin and you can damage your skin even through the clouds. Taking precautions to prevent sun damage doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the sunshine, but it’s important to recognise that signs of sun induced skin damage can range from freckles and moles to skin cancer.

Here are the signs of sun-induced skin damage:

1. Sun spots, freckles and brown spots - these are most commonly found on the upper body, appearing on the face, neck, chest, the forearms and the hands. These spots can be unsightly, but can fairly easily be removed with the correct cosmetic treatment. Some home treatments are available, but they are less than reliable and may cause more harm than good.

2. Uneven skin colour or dark spots – confidence sapping skin colouring might seem like damage that can’t be undone, but these days they can be treated with a safe non-invasive course of IPL.

3. Explosion of Freckles Okay, we’re not talking about a few freckles, but excessive clusters of highly visible embarrassing freckles that cover the skin and make you feel very self-conscious. IPL laser treatment would be exceptionally useful to fight this as it not only removes the brown spots but also stimulates collagen growth.

4. Age Spots - these are also known as Liver spots and are generally found on the backs of the hands. A qualified cosmetic physician would offer a number of ways that these can be reduced or removed, usually with IPL or fraction lasers .

5. Rosacea - This can be a very embarrassing condition that is comprised of prominent redness, veins in the face showing and often spots or pimples long after adolescence. An IPL/laser treatment will greatly reduce the veins and the flushing that is caused by exercise, hot food or heat.

6. Wrinkles – The sun can easily cause wrinkles or make existing wrinkles worse. There are many ways to approach the reduction of wrinkles, there are many skin creams available from pharmacists, but most are purely superficial and do little to help. A professional cosmetic physician can offer you a range of collagen boosting options from Botox and dermal fillers to resurfacing laser treatment and other complementary cosmeceutical skin care programmes.

7. Broken capillaries - often giving the face a ruddy complexion, associated with alcoholism, very embarrassing, particularly for women. Speak to your cosmetic specialist for ways to treat this problem, usually with ND:YAG laser or IPL .

8. Enlarged pore size - many people don’t think about how the sun can widen and enlarge the pores in your skin, giving a quite unsightly appearance to the skin, a little like an orange peel. Your cosmetic physician would almost certainly offer you an excellent range of treatments including laser skin resurfacing to bring a youthful look back to your skin.

9. Sagging skin - after the sun has damaged your skin, you may find that it causes your lifeless skin to sag. This is common in people as they hit their 30s but is more often found in people of middle age. With a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic treatment, you can improve the tautness of the skin and give it a rejuvenated appearance.

Want to fix the signs of sun induced skin damage?

Call Riverbanks Clinic on 01582 762877 or make an enquiry.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

9 Signs of Sun-Induced Skin Damage

The sun is a major factor in the health of your skin. Even natural daylight causes damage to your skin and you can damage your skin even through the clouds. Taking precautions to prevent sun damage doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the sunshine, but it’s important to recognise that signs of sun induced skin damage can range from freckles and moles to skin cancer.

Here are the signs of sun-induced skin damage:

Sun spots, freckles and brown spots - these are most commonly found on the upper body, appearing on the face, neck, chest, the forearms and the hands. These spots can be unsightly, but can fairly easily be removed with the correct cosmetic treatment. Some home treatments are available, but they are less than reliable.

Uneven skin colour or dark spots – confidence sapping skin colouring might seem like damage that can’t be undone, but these days they can be treated in a safe, non-invasive course of IPL.

Explosion of Freckles – Okay, we’re not talking about a few freckles, but excessive clusters of highly visible embarrassing freckles that cover the skin and make you feel very self-conscious. Laser treatment would be exceptionally useful to fight this as it not only removes the brown spots but also stimulates collagen growth.

Age Spots - these are also known as Liver spots and are generally found on the backs of the hands. A qualified cosmetic physician would offer a number of ways that these can be reduced or removed, usually with IPL or Fractional Lasers.

Rosacea - This can be a very embarrassing condition that is comprised of prominent redness, veins in the face showing and often spots or pimples long after adolescence. An IPL or Laser treatment will greatly reduce the veins and the flushing that is caused by exercise, hot food or heat.

Wrinkles – The sun can easily cause wrinkles or make existing wrinkles worse. There are many ways to approach the reduction of wrinkles, there are many skin creams available from pharmacists, but most are purely superficial and do little to help. A professional cosmetic physician can offer you a range of collagen boosting options from Botox and dermal fillers to resurfacing laser treatment and other suitable treatments such as complementary cosmeceutical skin care programmes .

Broken capillaries - often giving the face a ruddy complexion, associated with alcoholism, very embarrassing, particularly for women. Speak to your cosmetic specialist for ways to treat this problem- usually with ND:YAG Laser or IPL.

Enlarged pore size - many people don’t think about how the sun can widen and enlarge the pores in your skin, giving a quite unsightly appearance to the skin, a little like an orange peel. Your cosmetic physician would almost certainly offer you an excellent range of treatments including laser skin resurfacing to bring a youthful look back to your skin.

Sagging skin - after the sun has damaged your skin, you may find that it causes your lifeless skin to sag. This is common in people as they hit their 30s but is more often found in people of middle age. With a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic treatment, you can improve the tautness of the skin and give it a rejuvenated appearance.

Want to know more? Contact Doctor Ravi Jain now!

Dr Jain recommends the following creams to help combat the effects of sun damage:

Thursday, 11 March 2010

4 ways to get rid of Thread Veins

Thread veins are the tiny veins that you may see appearing on your cheeks, nose or legs. They are totally harmless to you but you may feel that they are unsightly. They are usually red but some larger veins may look blue in colour.

Many things can cause thread veins. They are a natural sign of aging but can be exacerbated by over exposure to sunlight, Rosacea, pregnancy or hormone treatment. Most people will find that they are most prominent in a certain area of their body and look at ways in which they can reduce or remove them completely.

The great thing is that there are a number of ways in which you can look to remove thread veins.

Vitamin K

For a long time now beauticians have been promoting the use of Vitamin K in topical form to treat thread veins and bruised areas. Vitamin K helps to clot blood and applied directly on to the skin can work really effectively. Vitamin K cream is often used after laser surgery as it has been shown to reduce bruising. With thread veins it assists in clotting the blood and shutting down the angry red vein that you can see. If the thread veins have been there a long time or are fairly prominent then this may not be the ideal solution.

Laser Treatment

In Laser Treatment the heat from the laser is absorbed into the vein, which causes it to stick together and seal off the blood. The disadvantages to this treatment are that only small areas can be treated at a time and there is a risk of crusting or even scarring to the skin. On the other hand, the laser is very effective when IPL fails or the vessels are bigger than 1mm across.


This treatment is fairly common and very effective. The thread vein is injected with a solution that will cause it to collapse or stick together, sealing it off and preventing blood from flowing into it, therefore reducing the colour. It can take a number of visits and a good few months to see results using this treatment. This is often used for larger unsightly thread veins or ones that haven’t responded well to other treatments.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

IPL treatments are highly effective – even in short courses. They effectively remove the damage of overly exposed skin and eradicate thread veins and scarring. The award winning Harmony IPL Laser treatment that we use is considered to be the best and most advanced treatment available for reducing thread veins, imperfections and skin damage.

With IPL a hand held until emits pulses of high intensity light that destroys any thread veins and prevents blood from flowing through.

It is relatively painless, much safer then laser treatment and gains very quick results.

If you are unhappy about the thread veins on any part of your body then we would advise you to come and speak to us. We would highly recommend the Harmony IPL treatment because of its low risk and excellent successes. If you would like to learn more about IPL or how it can help you then please get in touch.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Don’t Forget to Protect Your Skin This Summer

Whether you’re heading for somewhere exotic, or planning to stay at home and make the most of the British summer, it’s important that you remember to protect your skin from the sun. It’s not just the strength of the midday sun that damages your skin, any sun or daylight can have a detrimental effect on your skin.

Try to stay out of the sun between 11am and 3pm when the sun’s rays are the strongest. If you wish to be in this sun during this time, then you should try to wear light clothing that will protect your skin. Wear wrap-around sun glasses to ensure that your eyes are not damaged by the UVA sunlight.

If you’re unable to protect yourself with clothing, then using a good quality high factor sunscreen will help to protect your skin. But don’t think that you are completely safe, just because you are wearing sunscreen, it needs reapplying regularly. You also need to use a sunscreen that is at least SPF Factor 30 . Check the use-by date, if it’s out of date, it may not offer the same protection. Don’t forget to rub the cream into every area the sun’s rays could possible touch you, don’t forget your ears and exposed areas of your head. You should always apply the cream 30 minutes before going into the sun, this gives the skin adequate time to absorb the cream. If you are swimming or sweating a lot, you’ll want to reapply the sunscreen every hour or so.

If you are planning to be in the sun over the entire summer, you should check your skin over for signs of sun damage regularly. Always look at yourself using a full length mirror and examine any existing birthmarks, moles and skin blemishes to check if their size, texture or colour has changed. If any of these have become uncomfortable or sore, it could be a sign of sun damage and you may need to check with your physician. Don’t forget that skin cancer is most treatable with an early diagnosis.

Everyone should do their utmost to protect their skin from damage. However, people with a higher risk of skin cancer should pay the most attention. This includes people who have fair skin and whose skin burns rather easily. If you already have a lot of freckles and moles, it’s a sign that you are sun-reactive and should take extra care. If you have a history of being easily burned by the sun, or you have had experience of severe sunburn, you should take care, your skin has already been damaged and may be more easily damaged in future. If you have red or fair hair, you should also take precautionary care in the sun. If you have light-coloured eyes, you should also take care to wear sunglasses that meet sun protection guidelines, rather than simply look fashionable.

But sun damage doesn’t only increase the risk of skin cancer, it also produces many unsightly skin problems that will reduce your self confidence and cause your skin to be permanently marked.

Dr Jain recommends the following creams to help combat the effects of sun damage:

Monday, 1 March 2010

Mums - get rid of stretchmarks

There's nothing like the feeling of nuzzling up to your baby - soft skin, sweet smell, and those little gurgly sounds that only a newborn can make. It's the best thing about having a baby, don't you think?

But where there's a best, there's a worst- thin hair, hormonal changes bringing spots, and the dreaded stretchmarks!

Some women are really lucky - they get through pregnancy and birth and their skin just pings back into shape. The majority, however, will be left with stretchmarks, and they can be confidence destroying.

But you can get rid of them - with Dermaroller Microneedling from Riverbanks Clinic!

Dermaroller Microneedling

Dermaroller treatments use micro-medical skin-needling to roll away the imperfections and stimulate your own collagen to regenerate and repair your skin naturally.

Compared with other similar treatments you'll experience only slight redness on the first day and then your skin is back to normal, so there's no need to take time out for recovery; downtime is at a minimum. Ideally, the treatment is over three thirty minute sessions, but your initial consultation will establish exactly what your particular skin condition requires.

See some fantastic stretchmark before and after pictures below:

So if you're a mum and want to get rid of your stretchmarks, all you need to do is to make an appointment with Dr Jain and you'll be on the way to a smoother, brighter and clearer skin.

Call 01582 762 877 or Request an Appointment

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Embarrassed by your moobs?

As we're surrounded by images in mens' health magazines, on the internet, and pretty much everywhere we look, it's difficult to get away form society's idea of the 'perfect male body'.

Women aren't the only ones comparing their bodies to what they see in the media you know!

As a man, you're expected to laugh off any unfavourable comparisons, but that doesn't mean that you're not worried and embarrassed, deep down inside.

Man boobs, moobs, male breasts - whatever you want to call them, they're embarrassing and can be difficult to get rid of, right?

Wrong, there IS a solution.

You could, of course, have surgery – but there is a cost to that in time, discomfort and money. What you may not know is that you can remove man-boobs without surgery and go right back to work without anyone being the wiser – except they’ll think you’ve lost a few pounds and may have been working out.

The answer is Vaser Lipo – this non-invasive technique:

• Reduces the fat content – permanently,
• Tightens the skin,
• Is relatively painless,
• Has minimal recovery time (hours, rather than weeks)
• And costs less than half as much as the surgical procedure.

Getting rid of your man boobs will:

• Increase your self-esteem
• Boost your confidence
• Allow you to wear the clothes that you want
• Give you that smart, professional image that matches your performance

If you're embarrassed by your moobs, why not come in for a free consultation - what have you got to lose, apart from those embarrassing moobs?

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Fed up of lipstick bleed?

There's nothing worse. You've got the outift, the hair looks great, and you've spent nearly an hour putting on your make-up. You look PERFECT.

Reaching the party you grab a glass of champagne, smile, laugh and chat your way around the room, confident in the fact that you'relooking great.

And then you find a mirror. And stop. And stare at the lipstick filtering from the edge of your lips, no longer matt perfect, but spidering out and filling the 'barely there to the naked eye' wrinkles around your mouth.

It's enough to ruin an evening, isn't it?

The problem is that fine lines and wrinkles are pretty much a fact of life as we get older - and the ones around the mouth are hard to disguise as make-up just 'sinks in' to them and draws more attention!

Thankfully, there are ways to deal with them.

At Riverbanks Clinic we offer a range of treatments to help smooth out lip creases, and improve the outline, shape and size of your lips.

Lip and mouth lines can be treated with dermal fillers for an instantly revitalised look, although muscle-relaxing treatments such as botox are particularly effective ways of correcting downward-pointing mouth corners and reducing creases in the longer term.

Results can last between 6-9 months with fillers such as Restylane and JuvĂ©derm® Ultra, and 3 – 4 months with botox.

So if you'd like to spend an evening without hovering near a mirror, why not get in touch with us now?

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Find out how to get rid of thread veins!

Thread veins. Spider veins. Broken veins. Capillary veins.

No matter what you call them, if you have them then they're noticeable, and the chances are you want to get rid of them.

They most commonly appear on the cheeks, nose and legs, and they're unsightly and make you feel self conscious.

Nasal threadveins are one of the commonest complaints we see at Riverbanks Clinic in both men and women. They are often hereditary, can be caused by poor diet and environmental factors as well. However, treatment is quite simple and often instant.

We're thrilled with the latest results of our IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment for thread veins, with finer veins needing just one treatment to be removed. More stubborn veins may need more treatments, but it really is an ideal way to get your self confidence back and face the world.

To find out more about thread veins and IPL, visit our website. Why not book in for your free consultation by filling in our booking form now!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Do you grind your teeth too much?

It's a bit of an unfair question actually, as the majority of teeth grinders do it in their sleep.

So let's rephrase it a little:

Do you often wake up with an aching jaw each morning? If so, it could be beacuse you grind your teeth in your sleep.

Teeth grinding (or bruxism, to give it it's proper medical name) causes tension in your jaw, which can result in lack of sleep, headaches, and even reshape your jawline!

In extreme cases it can lead to costly dental repair work.

But help is at hand.

Carla Ball, 32, a children's author from London, underwent Botox treatment after suffering from tired, aching and enlarged jaw muscles for years. Her dentist failed to diagnose the problem and it was only when a friend suggested that teeth grinding or clenching might be to blame that she researched the problem.

'I used to wake up with jaw pain and headaches that got worse when I was under stress at work and really busy, but I didn't know what caused them,' she says. 'My jaw was also much wider than my cheeks, which didn't really run in my family. When I saw a consultant privately, he told me my masseter muscle was huge, possibly because of clenching and grinding. I was fortunate that my teeth hadn't been badly affected as I clenched more than ground them together. 'I had a Botox injection in the muscle on each side of my jaw and within days the tension in my jaw had stopped. I have them every six months and don't get the pain I used to have as long as I also keep the stress and tiredness under control.'

Belinda Holt, 44, from Harpenden received Azzalure® treatments for her Bruxism which is an alternative form of Botox.

For many years I had suffered with bad headaches, sore jaw ,stiff neck and disrupted sleep as a result of teeth clenching. My first port of call was to speak to my dentist who fitted me with a mouth guard, but because my mouth/jaw was so sore I could not use it. After a consultation with Dr Jain he suggested Botox which I tried and have to say the results are fantastic! All my symptoms have disappeared and my quality of sleep has improved immensely. Thank-you Dr Jain

You don't have to suffer - teeth grinding can be fixed. For more information, talk to Dr Jain at Riverbanks Clinic; he’s an expert in the use of highly advanced and specialised techniques that will reduce the strength and size of your masseter muscles without stopping you chewing your food.

Monday, 1 February 2010

The New Moob: 90% of Male Patients Opting for New Ultrasonic Sculpting Treatment to Reduce Man Boobs

A new walk in walk out ultrasonic sculpting procedure has increased demand for male breast reduction. According to figures released by Dr Ravi Jain, Medical Director of award winning Riverbanks Clinic, 90% of men who chose to undergo treatment at his clinic in 2009, opted to have their "moobs" reduced and sculpted using the life changing Vaser Ultra Sculpt treatment that allows 86% patients to go back to work within three days.

Gynecomastia, the development of abnormally large mammary glands in males is a common condition that affects up to 60% of men. Unlike traditional surgical male chest reduction, Dr Jain uses ultrasonic energy that removes unwanted fat through minimal incisions (2-3mm diameter) and enhances the visibility of the underlying musculature. Dr Jain also removes the underlying breast gland to create a flat and defined chest creating results that can usually only be achieved by undergoing major surgery that requires general anesthetic and weeks of painful recovery.

But how can the dramatic trajectory for male breast reduction be explained? Dr Jain suggests that men have been suffering in silence for many years and the decision to opt for surgery has little to do with vanity. "The average age of the men I treat is 40. They have been distressed about their condition since their teens or early 20's. Vaser Ultra Sculpt provides an effective alternative to surgery with minimal recovery time that enables them to get back to work quickly. This is the most rewarding treatment we offer because it is life changing and restores confidence that has been destroyed through years of suffering."

A Riverbanks patient who recently had the ultrasound "moob" sculpting treatment said "After researching male breast reduction surgery on the internet, I decided to opt for ultra sonic sculpting due to minimal downtime and recovery period. Also a big factor was that I was awake and able to talk to the surgeon whilst the procedure was being carried out. Since my op I have made very good progress and the results have been life changing."

Note to Editors

Dr Ravi Jain is the UK and European Trainer for Vaser Liposelection. He is Medical Director of award-winning Riverbanks Clinic one of the UK's leading clinics for non-surgical cosmetic and dermatological treatments. Dr Jain is available for media interviews and comment.

Monday, 25 January 2010

5 reasons to get rid of man boobs

20741_264524259310_41536749310_3129987_4997673_nManboobs are much more common than you think! Concealed under clothing, most men manage to hide away the embarrassment they feel about their shape.

Not all manboobs are due to being overweight. Most men suffering from an altered or enlarged chest have gynecomastia – the abnormal growth of mammary gland (breast) tissue. This is in fact very common. Most young boys suffer from gynecomastia during puberty but grow out of it, however some never return to normal or may develop it for the first time in later life.

There are a number of reasons you may want to think about getting rid of your manboobs.

1.It’s uncomfortable
If you are suffering from any of the types of gynecomastia then you might be finding you are in physical discomfort. The growth of glands can be painful to the touch or feel generally sensitive. Being in this kind of discomfort can put you off being touched or make you wary of people touching you. If you have a partner this can be especially difficult as you don’t want to discourage them but it can be very uncomfortable for you.

2.It all fits!
You may not realise it but you are probably wearing a shirt that is a size too big to help you ‘conceal’ these imperfections. You might have even passed up on items of clothing you really like because of the way it hugged your figure. Imagine the joy of throwing anything you like on your back without having to worry and check if you can see your chest in the folds.

3.Take your shirt off
Whether its on holiday, at the gym, in your garden or in front of your partner, there will be times when you are reluctant to go bare-chested because you are uncomfortable with the way you look. Women always moan they can’t take their shirt off in the heat and they love it when you do!! Being able to take your shirt off without concern means you won’t hide in the corner of the gym locker room, hesitate when going swimming while on holiday or worry about what your partner thinks when you take off your clothes.

4.Get your confidence back
All of the points mentioned above mean that you are spending too much time worrying or being concerned over the way you feel or the way you think you may be perceived. It’s time to get your confidence back! When you are happy in your body it really shows. You will dress, act and be more confident without these body hang-ups.

5.It’s not just you
Remember that most men have suffered with man-boobs at one point in their life. Fear isn’t a good enough reason to ignore it. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to regain your body and your confidence!

To rid yourself of your embarrassing and uncomfortable manboobs, visit www.riverbanksclinic.co.uk today or call 01582 762 877 today for a consultation.