Monday, 22 June 2009

Breast Augmentation with Macrolane makes it to the US!

Long since available in the UK, breast augmentation with Macrolane will be available in the US soon, according to cosmetic specialists Epione.

We're thrilled to have one of the top Macrolane breast enhancement surgeons working at Riverbanks Clinic, making small or saggy breasts a thing of the past for our patients.

Just look at the before and after results:

It's nice to see the US catching on to the fact that Macrolane gives a much more natural finish, is safer, and recovery time much shorter than 'traditional' cosmetic breast enhancement.

Sweatox - it's Botox for the underarms!

When you hear the word 'Botox', it's all too easy to think of middle aged women getting rid of their wrinkles, but (as we've spoken about before) Botox has all sorts of uses, not just keeping the aging process at bay.

It's the time of year that embarrassing sweat patches can ruin a great day out, but Botox can help by freezing the nerves that are attached to sweat glands, thus eliminating the humiliation of 'great outfit, shame about the sweat stains'.

Whether you're plagued by hyperhydrosis, or simply get sweaty when hot, or nervous, then Botox could very wel be the answer for you.

It's a quick and easy process, effective and long lasting, and one that more and more people are turning to in the UK, where it's been dubbed 'Sweatox' by the press.

If you have problems with overactive sweat glands, and want to stay dry and fresh this summer, why not give it a go? Contact us to find out more.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Bigger breasts paid for by redundancy cheque.

Dr Ravi Jain is quoted in this month's Company Magazine, in an article about women using their redundancy pay to fund cosmetic enhancements. The article talks about Lucy, a lady who decided to spend some of her redundancy money on increasing her breast size.

Dr Jain says: "We thought business would go down during the credit crunch because we thought women wouldn't pay for luxuries like breast enhancement, but it's the opposite. Women are coming in saying they've lost their job and for the first time have the money - and the time - to do what they've always wanted".

Hopefully, Lucy's increased breast size will lead to higher self confidence, and that will help her to find the job of her dreams!

If you would like to increase your breast size, non surgically and safely, then find out more about Macrolane breast enhancement at the Riverbanks Clinic website.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Thread lifts 'don't work' - but I still want a facelift!

You may have read on Reuters recently that a popular type of face lift produces only short-lived improvement in appearance, and should no longer be used given its risks, poor results and discomfort for patients, or so conclude the authors of a long-term study of patients who underwent the procedure.

The surgery, a so-called "thread-lift," involves placing barbed threads under the skin and then tightening them to pull up drooping facial tissues.

It's an interesting read, showing that although improvement was still seen a month after the thread lift procedure, between 12 and 30 months later, the 'thread lift group' scored lowest out of 3 different groups tested.

Complications including visible knots and dimpling of skin were also noticed, leading the investigators to conclude that "thread-lifts carry a high risk of complications, while extensive scarring may make it difficult to remove the threads, which is problematic because studies have found up to 20% of patients need a repeat surgery".

So what to do if you want a little 'help', but don't like the idea of a short lasting, possibly disfiguring thread lift?

If you'd love a facelift, but don't like the idea of surgery, then we have 2 procedures that are ideal for you!

Accent® is a unique, multi-application, Radio Frequency (RF) based platform for the non-invasive treatment of wrinkles and sags. It is virtually painless and comparatively quick.

Treatments can be performed to treat loose, wrinkled skin anywhere on the body. The procedure is frequently used for toning thin, loose and crepe-like skin often found on the more mature face, neck and under the upper arm areas. It is also excellent for firming skin on the post-surgical or postnatal abdomen, chest, thighs or breasts.

Or, Sculptra non surgical facelift could be exactly what you’re looking for. Also known as the liquid facelift, Sculptra is an injectable treatment that restores volume to your skin, leaving your face looking fuller and younger. A natural non-surgical skin treatment that stimulates your skin, encouraging it to grow new collagen to give you a more youthful appearance.

Not sure which would be best? Why not give us a call, or fill in our 'call back' form and someone will give you a call back to discuss your needs.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Is Vaser liposuction worth it?

Well according to 88% of visitors to, the answer is yes, Vaser Liposuction was definitely worth it.

A great resource for anyone considering Vaser Liposelection, RealSelf features stories from people in America that have gone through the process in order to get rid of love handles, firm stomachs, say goodbye to man boobs and more.

We know that our clients are pleased with the results of their Vaser treatment, because our comprehensive aftercare program means that they are called personally to make sure that they're no less than thrilled with the results, and we feature some of our testimonials on our website:

"I have always hated my thighs, especially even after losing a lot of weight, my thighs were still large. I was recommend to Riverbanks Clinic by a friend, and I discovered Vaser Lipo. After my procedure, I was back at work the next day despite having a litre of fat removed from each thigh! I can now see my knees again! Thank you so much for adding the finishing touches to my long journey to achieving my goal", Suzie, Luton

“Thank you so much for my amazing Vaser Lipo treatment, I'm chuffed with the results!”
Lucy S, Somerset

See our testimonials page for more!

The truth about cellulite

It’s a disconcerting matter, but over 90% of women will develop Cellulite. There are many myths surrounding the topic, but in this article, we’ll reveal the real truth about Cellulite.

Cellulite is the term used when fatty deposits become trapped under the skin, giving it a rather unpleasant puckered and dimpled look, often compared to orange peel or cottage cheese.

Cellulite generally appears around the abdomen, thigh and pelvic area. It has four different medical names: adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusis cutis and gynoid lipodystrophy.

Types of Cellulite

There are three types of Cellulite:

Class 1 – no medical symptoms but under laboratory conditions, anatomical change is present.

Class 2 - the skin is pallid and demonstrates decreased elasticity, along with signs of Class 1.

Class 3 - the Cellulite has a coarse texture, along with signs of Class 1 and 2.

What are the Causes of Cellulite?

There are many factors that influence the build up of Cellulite in the body:


Female hormones estrogen and progesterone play an important part in determining the amount and location of fat cells throughout the body. Estrogen encourages the development of fat around the breasts, thighs and buttock area. Progesterone makes things worse by retaining fluid and causing weight gain.


Some people genetically inherit a body that is more prone to the condition of Cellulite. This means that they have a greater number of fat cells, poor circulation, and weak lymphatic vessels and veins.


Unhealthy lifestyles increase the chances of someone getting Cellulite. An inactive lifestyle can affect your blood circulation, your veins and lymphatic system. Clearly, an unhealthy and/or inactive lifestyle can also cause weight gain that further exacerbates Cellulite. Although skinny people aren’t immune to Cellulite, obese people are much more likely to suffer from it. In an overweight person, the existing fat pushes the Cellulite outwards towards the skin, worsening the already unpleasant appearance.

Smokers are already aware of the potential negative effects that their habit has on their health. However, not everyone knows that smoking can lead to Cellulite. Chemicals in the cigarettes damage the veins and capillary walls, constrict blood flow and reduce circulation, all of which increase the likelihood of Cellulite.

Prolonged periods of high stress cause the body to store up fat around the stomach, thighs, hips and buttock regions, this can add to the chances of Cellulite build up.

No matter the cause, Cellulite can be an unsightly and embarrassing condition for women and even some men. For this reason, cosmetic procedures have become available to help this visually displeasing condition.

Treatment of Cellulite

Many people wrongly believe that Cellulite is untreatable. Women no longer need to suffer in silence when it comes to Cellulite.

One of the most effective solutions to combat Cellulite is called Accent Radiofrequency Skin Tightening. It is an advanced radiofrequency technology that attacks the fatty deposits through the skin. Accent heats the fat and removes it through increased circulation and then tightens and tautens the skin, giving it a smoother appearance.

To discuss this new confidence-boosting solution to Cellulite, with a qualified physician, contact Dr Ravi Jain at Riverbanks Clinic today and say goodbye to Cellulite.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Botox isn't just Amanda Holden!

It always surprises people when I tell them that Botox isn't just a great anti wrinkle treatment, it's also used in the medical profession at times.

So it's nice to see this piece in the Times about Australian stroke victim Russell McPhee, who is walking again for the first time in 20 years, thanks to the aid of Botox.

Mr McPhee, now 49, had a stroke at the age of 26 and was left in a wheelchair and unable to walk.

It's still early days, but he can now walk the length of a room with help, and 100 metres with a walking frame, which is fantastic news.

It's nice to see a good story in the press - Botox isn't just Amanda Holden!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

VASERLipo vs. Traditional Liposuction

VASER Lipo is currently considered to be the globally preferred choice for patients considering undergoing a liposuction procedure. Also known as LipoSelection, it is an advanced method of contouring the body and removing unwanted body fat with selective precision.

It is a preferred alternative to the harsh methods of traditional liposuction because it uses the very latest technology, utilising ultrasound to lightly reshape your form. What significantly differentiates VASER Lipo from the traditional methods of liposuction is that VASER’s technology allows it to be used to target unwanted fatty tissue whilst nerves, blood vessels and other tissue untouched. This allows for smooth results and a swift recovery for the patient.

Conversely, traditional liposuction is not such a pleasant experience for the patient. Traditional liposuction employs a metal tube that the doctor has to manually manipulate inside the patient’s body. This can often lead to a great deal of bleeding, swelling and the destruction of surrounding tissue. Because VASER Lipo involves the precise use of ultrasound technology, the same problems simply does not occur, leading to a quicker, safer and less invasive procedure.

One of the biggest problems with traditional liposuction is that after the procedure, the person could still have loose skin. This could only be resolved by cutting the skin away. With VASER Lipo, the skin can naturally tighten after the procedure to produce a more sculpted look.

VASER Lipo procedures do not require general anaesthesia. There is no surgery, so the risks are greatly lowered and recovery times greatly increased.

Because the VASER Lipo treatment emulsifies the fat, it is simply suctioned away as a liquid, rather than the more traumatic traditional approach of sucking lumps of fat from the body. Sometimes a small amount of liquid fat is absorbed back into the body, but blood tests show it does not enter the bloodstream.

With traditional liposuction procedures, the patient may require several months in bandages. With VASER Lipo, people can go back to work within a few days. They will wear bandages for a few weeks, but that’s nothing compared to healing and recovery times of ordinary traditional liposuction.

The results of VASER Lipo are permanent, meaning that the body does not regenerate removed fat cells. Some of the other top advantages of VASER Lipo are:

1. No overnight stay in hospital required
2. Procedure under local anaesthetic
3. Limited discomfort and quick recovery times
4. Minimal bleeding or bruising
5. Safest and most effective procedure available

VASER Lipo is suitable for use on fatty areas all over the body and is currently used to remove fat from areas such as the neck and chin area, breasts, chest and arms, thighs, hips and buttocks, and the stomach and waist. It is a versatile non-invasive approach to removing unwanted fat and sculpting the body for a more pleasing physical appearance.

VASER Lipo is a safe and quick alternative to traditional liposuction with little discomfort and incredible results.

Dr Jain is Medical Director at Riverbanks Clinic, a double award-winning cosmetic medical practice based in Harpenden, Herts UK, where he provides a number of treatments including Botox, fillers, facial recontouring and body recontouring. Dr Jain's Clinic is renowned for its excellence and won ‘Best New Clinic' and ‘Best Business Development' in the 2009 Aesthetic Medicine Awards.

Dr Ravi Jain qualified from the Royal London Hospital in 1995 and has since held posts at The Royal London, St. Bartholomew's and St. Mary's Hospitals. Early in his career he trained in gynaecological laparoscopic surgery before training as a GP. He now specialises exclusively in cosmetic dermatology and minor surgery.

Monday, 1 June 2009

What women like about men and more male beauty stats!

Well, according to Extreme Male Beauty:
  • 86% of women said that a man's face is more important than his body 
  • 79% of women said most important part of mans face is his eyes
  • 83% of women prefer their men non-hairy
  • 46% of women would have sex with a man with a nice face but a rubbish body
  • There was a 9% rise in eye bag surgery on men last year
  • Men spent £100 million on hair replacement treatments last tear
  • 20,000 men had hair replacement transplants last year
  • There was a 47% rise in men having Botox injections last year
We'd love to hear the thoughts of women (and men!) below!