Friday 1 October 2010

Make acne scars a thing of the past with SmartXide Dot 2

Most of us know what it’s like to suffer from Acne scars, they ruin your teenage years at the time, only to follow you into adult hood as scars!

Looking in the mirror everyday and ploughing foundation on, then lathering the powder to try and cover them up, only resulting in walking around looking like a pot-holed umpalumpa! It seems that there is just no way of escaping them!

Well, in that case you’re wrong, as there is a way to banish those ugly scars for good! Leaving you with a newly perfect, pot-hole free face, which then needs a considerably less amount of make-up, leaving you being the natural beauty you always dreamt of being! Ahh, bliss!

Well if that sounds like the thing for you, then SmartXide Dot 2 is just the thing for you. With the procedure consisting of having your face numbed , then treated with the laser a few times, the pain is almost completely minimal and the procedure lasts less than half an hour itself!

You may be a little red for a while, but it’s all worth it in the end when you can run your fingers down your cheeks without being reminded of your acne scars.

So, trot yourself down to your nearest clinic for the procedure of a lifetime! After a few weeks the name calling of ‘pizza face’ and the likes will be dead and buried and you’ll be able to leave everyone awestruck of your flawless facade!

See the video below to find out more, then get in touch!