There are a lot of people out there suffering from neck and jowl issues, who spend a lot of money on face creams but ignore this vital part of the body. Nothing says 'aging' like saggy jowls or a wrinkly neck!
Thanks to recent technological advances, here at Riverbanks, Dr Ravi Jain is now happy to offer you non-surgical treatment options which can help improve the appearance of necks and jowls.
For sagging jowls, take a look at:
- Dermal fillers
- Sculptra - collagen stimulator
- Accent Radio Frequency Skin Tightening
- VASER Liposelection
All of these can help tighten and firm up the skin, improve jaw smoothness and reduce saginess of jowls.
For neck bands and wrinkles, consider:
- A treatment of botox
- SmartXide DOT therapy (laser re-surfacing)
Both will help with neck bands and wrinkles and leave you with younger looking, rejuvenated skin.