They say the eyes are the window to the soul, but thousands of women dread looking in the mirror and hide their face behind long hair because they are embarrassed by their droopy eyelids. But thanks to award-winning cosmetic clinic Riverbanks, you can now wave goodbye to saggy eye syndrome without having to opt for a surgical eye-lift by choosing to have the ‘Madonna Lift’ instead.
Riverbanks Clinic in Bedfordshire is the first in the country to be offering the ‘Madonna Lift’, a revolutionary new treatment designed to tackle droopy eyelids without the need for needles or surgery.
The treatment uses SmartXide DOT Fractional C02 Laser to stimulate collagen growth around the eyes, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lift up the eyebrows, giving the appearance that the eye is more open.
The treatment takes a matter of minutes and there is virtually no downtime. Most patients need to have 3-5 sessions to see noticeable results. The treatment costs £500 per session and can last for 2-3 years when combined with a good skincare routine.
Dr Ravi Jain, Medical Director of Riverbanks Clinic believes that the treatment could revolutionise the way patients manage their anti-ageing care and could help reduce the frequency of ‘emotionally fuelled’ visits to their cosmetic practitioner for premature top up treatments.
“The eyes are the one thing that people focus on when interacting with someone and it is also one of the first things we notice when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Droopy eyelids can have a huge impact on a person’s confidence and they are often driven to have other treatments such as Botox and fillers to try and improve the area around the eyes, but it never really tackles the problem. The ‘Madonna Lift’ gets right to the root of the problem and literally opens up the eye area, giving an instantly younger and smoother result,” says Dr Jain.
Dr Jain believes the Madonna Lift may become as popular a treatment for the out of town clinic as the revolutionary fat-reduction procedure Vaser. Dr Jain is vastly experienced in Vaser and teaches doctors and surgeons all over Europe in the technique. The clinic also offers maintenance treatments such as Botox, fillers and skin peels.
Notes to Editor
The multi award-winning Riverbanks Clinic is one of the UK’s leading clinics for non-surgical cosmetic and dermatological treatments. The prestigious Riverbanks Clinic helps men and women to turn back the clock, with the help of the very latest safe, non-surgical, highly effective anti-aging skin treatments. The clinic also specialises in treating skin problems such as acne and Roseaca. The most popular treatments offered by Riverbanks Clinic include Vaser Lipo, Botox, Dermal Fillers, Sculptra, Smartlipo, Smartxide DOT Laser and Accent Radiofrequency.
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Dr Ravi Jain is available for press interviews, articles and features. For further details, hi-res images or to arrange an interview with Dr Jain, please contact Amy Larman on 01603 477 949 or email